Autumn is just around the corner, ready to give us great emotions with many unmissable events dedicated to the world of motorcycles.
So let’s discover together the Italian events that will keep us away from blankets and gloomy days in the next months.
Eternal City Motorcycle Show – Rome
The season kicks off with the ETERNAL CITY MOTORCYCLE SHOW, the annual event that brings together riders, major brands, and craftsmen to rev up the capital’s engines on 28 and 29 September at the new and exclusive venue “La Nuvola” Roma Convention Center.
During the event, you will be immersed in a world of technology, accessories, and solutions with over 250 exhibitors, and, of course, you will be able to admire the latest models of the most important motorcycle brands and try them out thanks to free demo rides.
The Eternal City Motorcycle Show is also one of the main stages of the customization culture, where you can meet the greatest customizers from all over Italy and the world. Don’t miss the exhibition of restored American cars from the most well-known Italian automobile clubs.
Auto e Moto d’Epoca – Bologna
Bologna is preparing to host AUTO e MOTO D’EPOCA, the historic international exhibition dedicated to the world of vintage cars, from 24 to 27 October at BolognaFiere.
Initially dedicated exclusively to collectors, over the years, this event in Bologna has attracted the most important car manufacturers, becoming the largest market for classic cars and spare parts in Europe and one of the most important international events for car enthusiasts of all ages and the curious.
Through four thematic itineraries spread over 14 pavilions, you will relive the past and discover the future of the automotive industry with the major brands, clubs, museums, and collectors from all over Europe.
Don’t miss the opportunity to travel back in time by visiting the great motorcycle exhibition and discover the international history of motorcycles, from the prototypes to historic models and new releases from the most famous brands.
EICMA – Milano
Torna a Milano Rho Fiera dal 7 al 10 novembre EICMA, acronimo di Esposizione Internazionale Ciclo Motociclo e Accessori, il più importante e longevo evento fieristico del settore a livello internazionale, che quest’anno celebrerà 110 anni di vita
con iniziative speciali ed eventi.
L’evento meneghino non è solo una grande vetrina per le novità di prodotto ma rappresenta anche un momento di scambio e confronto, in grado di richiamare sia aziende che appassionati e curiosi grazie alle tante attività proposte come workshop tecnici, conferenze stampa.
Dopo il successo della prima edizione dell’EICMA Riding Fest, organizzata presso il Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli, nell’aprile di quest’anno e cha ha dato a migliaia di appassionati l’opportunità di provare le moto presentate l’anno precedente , tornano anche in questa edizione l’attesissimo MotoLive, l’attrazione racing per ammirare dal vivo i piloti delle più prestigiose discipline off-road, e l’EICMA Esports Arena, dedicata al mondo del gaming e dei videogiochi di motorsport con simulatori, eventi ed iniziative.
Ti aspettiamo allo stand di Xpd per scoprire tutti i modelli e le novità del brand per proteggere, su pista e su strada, i tuoi piedi senza rinunciare allo stile e alla comodità anche ad alta velocità.